50 Ways to Live in a Nordstrom's World on a Walmart Budget?

Been there. Done that. I know what it feels like to have little, and I have experienced the freedom to have a safety net.
I love money! That is why I am thrilled to share some tips that have helped me to gain control over my money habits.
Raising a large family forced me to get thrifty. Although I am not perfect, taking the time to get my finances under control (and to live with less) has allowed our family to go from paycheck to paycheck to having financial freedom.
80% of money issues is WILL POWER.
20% of money issues is KNOWLEDGE.
Most everyone knows the basics. Spend less than you make. Simple. However, learning tips and ideas (while being inspired to make a change) is where our paths are intercepting today.
As a little girl, I always dreamed of being a mom. My family is my dream job. However, reality doesn’t feel the same as when I dressed up in high heels, cooking in my pretend kitchen with plastic spaghetti and rubber salad. My dolls didn’t cry, I controlled when they peed, and I never had to worry about groceries shopping because my food never went stale. Fast forward to six children, one income, and tons of hormones and you have a real mess. Money issues can tip you over when you are already standing with toes dangling off the cliff.
No matter where you are on the money journey, change is possible. You can always be wiser, better.
So how do I inspire you to get your money under control?
I can’t. You must decide you want it bad enough. I will give you 50 tips to help, but ultimately only you have the power to change your circumstances. Are you ready?
Define your WHY?
That three letter word (WHY) can change everything. Are you tired of not being able to pay bills? Are you dreaming of a new house? Dream vacation? Able to stay home? What is your why?
Once you establish the why then you can create your plan. So, write down your why. No really, write it out so you can see it. It must be big enough to make you want to change.
Here is a compiled list of tips and ideas that can have a huge impact on your pocketbook. Decide on just a few you can implement right now. Or go all out and see a drastic outcome.

50 Tips and Ideas to Save Money

One Percent Rule (1%) —is the idea that big goals can be achieved through small steps.
Don’t neglect small beginning. Even if you just do a few things, it can still have impact.

Take action toward a better future.
Rethink the way you handle money so you can live in a Nordstrom’s World on a Walmart budget.