“We can’t find a heart beat.”
“Your son has CANCER.”

Life is a challenging journey.

I hope to inspire other families to live intentionally.


Nancy Marie Peterson is a mom, wife, and Life Coach,
inspiring families to

Life Coach, married, intentional mom raising six blessings (one heaven held) with PURPOSE and PASSION….blah, blah, blah. 

Truth. Nancy Marie Peterson is that crazy, been married thirty years, mom of six kids who slowly got strategic and began to LIVE INTENTIONALLY. From meal planning, to organizational tips to spiritual training and everything in between. In 2011, Nancy got the nudge towards missions. In 2013, they finally made the leap and the rest? Well? It’s Complicated. (You can read more on Nancy’s mission page.)

Nancy Marie Peterson is on a journey to empower moms to make the transformational shift from good intentions to intentionality. If your life resembles more of a nightmare, no judgment (been there), just stick around if you are ready for purpose and passion to lead the way.

Thriving to be an intentional mom, so my children can impact the world, is my greatest goal.

God created family and every one is unique. They come is all sizes. Big. Small. Blended. Living intentionally as a mom allows purpose and passion. Bringing clarity to your calling as a family open endless possiblities. Peace. Direction. Legacy.

My Core Values

My Maker

Reaching up.

God created us on purpose for a purpose.

My Marriage

Reaching together.

Two becoming one. Being united, passionate and purposeful.

My Mothering

Reaching around.

Life’s greatest calling.

My Mission

Reaching beyond.

To the ends of the earth.


Start Here...

What I Believe

We are called to be moms who live intentionally, with purpose and passion. Life happens and sometimes we lose our way. Laundry, dust, and piles of legos deflate our last hope of ever getting our house in order. Don’t retreat! You are NOT alone! MotherHOOD can be tough but you can master “all things family”. Great things are ahead. We are on this journey together. 

Stuck? Overwhelmed?
Get intentional. Live with PURPOSE and PASSION. Together we will journey to clarify and unfold your unique calling while creating family values?

Ready to make the shift and get intentional?

Mom Life Coach

Get your personal life in order

Group Coaching for Moms

Connect with other moms for purpose and clarity

Intentional Year eCourse

FREE 3 day eCourse to get intentional with your year. Start January 1 or December 15- it doesn’t matter!

Just start!

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