What happened to mentors?
It seems more authors, bloggers, and such, speak from the midst of the struggle and we hang on their every word. We stand and applaud their honesty and stretch marks.
Two decades ago, I entered the mothering world and valued mentor moms. Women who had weathered the storms, survived and now had wisdom. They spoke from a place of history, where we learned from their mistakes and successes.
It saddens me that sometimes today’s moms look to peers for insight. When in truth most are just barely making it through the current season. Don’t get me wrong, during the preschool years I VALUED my friendships as we survive the potty training stage. As my head spun, I was in good company, walking along side those who truly understood what I was feeling right then in that moment.
But come on….Balance…
Clearly, we need to have friends beside us as we journey through motherhood. Life without them would be unbearable. However, we need to look a little further up the road for clarity. There is strength knowing that “been there” “done that”, kind of reasoning.
Keep those girlfriends!
Find solid MENTORS, women who have stood the test of time, seasons and stages to champion you.
Wisdom is obtain through…
…wading the muddy swamps of the preschool years
…science projects of school age
…scaling mountain cliffs -while wearing flips flops- through the teenage stage
AND THEN, finally rejoicing with adult children.
Job 12:12 “Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in lengths of days.”
Challenge: Keep those girlfriends but find a mentor! Look for someone who can speak life, hope and love into your mothering journey.