This year I started something new…
My Morning Routine
Years ago when my children were all young I attempted a morning routine but it never worked due to many, many interuptions. Spilt milk (literally), hugs, stories, cries, fighting, laughing, if you are a mom, you know the drill.
I gave up! QUIT! Retreated. The little army won. (aka- kids)
Those mornings still happen but are way fewer.
Here is what my morning time looks like now…
~Journal (huge game changer this year)
~Work out (Abs- sit ups or cardio, no gym required)
~Listen to Podcast/YouTube video (while I workout/dress)
~Write out GOALS for the day on a POST-IT
NOT A MORNING GIRL (in case you were wondering) Just to clarify, mornings are not my happy hour! I am a night owl. I love staying up late, partly because I have way less interuptions. However, success follows productivity. Now my day unfolds with clarity and purpose and I love it!
Begin with one NEW morning routine.