
  • Blessing or Burden

    Mommy, I feel sick… I glance at the clock only to see a blurred number three. It is pitch black and I can hardly wrap my brain around the plea for help. As I attempt to acknowledge which child is climbing in beside me, I hear the dreaded gag followed by streams of last night’s […]

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  • ReCovering Compara-holic

    Hi, my name is Nancy, and I am a recovering compara-holic. There I said it!  Truth is, I battle the mindset of scarcity. The belief that there is not enough to go around. I compared life to pizza, and there were only so many pieces. Fear of looking at an empty pizza pan kept me […]

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  • Recalculating… Goals

    Keep dreaming! Keep believing! Recalculaitng… 2020 NOT over yet! Do you use Google maps? Type in an address and presto it leads to your destination. GOALS are life’s GPS (Global Positioning System). They get us to our destination. If you run into a detour or take a wrong turn, it will redirect you. RECALCULATING… We all […]

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