
  • Finding Systems

    Organizing Life A place for everything and everything has a place. Life is crazy. Unpredictable. If my personal life, space and schedule do not have a system, things fall apart. Fast! When there is order I can be flexible especially when things don’t go the way I planned. I have tried almost every organization tool. Some […]

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  • Create Connections

    Family is one of my top values, which may explain why we had six children. We decided before those blessings entered the universe, I would be available to them 24 hours a day/7 days a week (aka stay-at-home mom). Obviously, I was oblivious to what my future held, still (most days), when the house is […]

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  • Armed with a Post-it!

    This year I started something new…           My Morning Routine Years ago when my children were all young I attempted a morning routine but it never worked due to many, many interuptions. Spilt milk (literally), hugs, stories, cries, fighting, laughing, if you are a mom, you know the drill. I gave […]

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  • Do I Dare Say?

    What happened to mentors? It seems more authors, bloggers, and such, speak from the midst of the struggle and we hang on their every word. We stand and applaud their honesty and stretch marks. Two decades ago, I entered the mothering world and valued mentor moms. Women who had weathered the storms, survived and now […]

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