Why Is No One Talking About This?
Scroll through any social media platform, and you’ll be flooded with influencers sharing their insights, perspectives, and advice. At first glance, it may seem like a wealth of wisdom, but look closer, and you’ll notice a gap—a 20-year real-life experience gap.
Many of these voices are still on their journey. They’ve won a few battles but haven’t conquered the war, yet they present themselves as seasoned generals. Ironically, people flock to their resources as if they’re pure gold.
There’s a vast difference between Mentors and Marketers:
👉 Marketers know how to grab your attention and get you to stop scrolling.
👉 Mentors offer wisdom gained through years of experience.
Mentors stand where you want to be, speaking from the perspective of someone who has navigated every stage of parenting and come out on the other side.
Be Careful Who You Listen To
Let’s clarify: I’m not talking about influencers sharing cooking tips, organizational hacks, or photography advice. This is deeper than that.
I see moms offering wisdom about family life while still in the trenches—giving parenting advice because they’ve successfully potty-trained one child but haven’t yet raised kids to adulthood.
Or I’ll click on a homeschooling resource, only to realize the “expert” has two kids under eight while I’m over here juggling six.
One influencer even boldly stated that her children were better off because she was following her dreams. But her kids haven’t reached adulthood yet. How does she know it’s in their best interest?
So much parenting advice is given by those still in the messy middle, speaking as if they have it all figured out—without proof that their ideas even work.
Biblical Wisdom: A Lesson from Rehoboam
This reminds me of a story from the Old Testament. Solomon, the wisest man in history, had a son named Rehoboam. Instead of following the wisdom of his father’s elders, he chose to listen to his inexperienced peers.
📖 In 1 Kings 12:6-20, we see how this poor decision cost Rehoboam dearly. The wrong source of wisdom led to devastating consequences.
Fast forward to today, and we’re doing the same thing.
Whether we realize it or not, every click, every follow, and every podcast we listen to influences us.
We’re inviting people to shape our thinking. But are they truly qualified?
Who Do You Want to Learn From?
Let me put it this way: If you were training for a marathon, would you take advice from someone halfway through their first race, or would you seek out someone who has run multiple marathons and finished strong?
It’s a no-brainer, right?
Yet in life, we don’t always apply that same logic. Instead, we listen to the loudest voices, mistaking their confidence and marketing skills for actual authority.
Slick Social Marketers? Or Wise, Godly Mentors?
For me, I want advice from those who have reaped the results I aspire to achieve.
✔️ Yes, grab practical skills, great recipes, and home organization tips.
❌ But when it comes to parenting, marriage, and spiritual growth, seek mentors who live out what you desire to achieve.
Before You Follow… Ask Yourself This:
👉 Are they a godly mentor or just a good marketer?
There’s a big difference. Don’t be deceived.
✝️ “Be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves.” —Matthew 10:16.