A few weeks ago, I was given the article, “The Silent Tragedy Affecting Today’s Children.” It had sobering facts regarding kids today.

Here is what Victoria Prooday found ..

What is happening??

Her claim was parents are no longer emotionally available, (along with a few other reasons.)

I had to stop and ask myself…. AM I EMOTIONALLY PRESENT?

Sometimes? Is that good enough?

We are running at such a fast pace we forget what is important and take the easy route. The day ends and somehow stuff gets done. But did we complete the urgent or the important tasks of the day? There is a big difference!

If I desire emotionally healthy kids, I need to be present and available. Resorting to screens to entertain them while I finish my never ending to do list, creates space that just widens year by year. Every day we must take the time to connect, to listen before the red flags are waving wildly and we are in recovering mode. Our children are only under our care for a brief eighteen years. Yes, the early years feel like slow motion (maybe even in reverse) but it picks up speed and before you know it, they are out the door creating their own life.

Today, what can I do? How can I love them better? Am I willing to take the time to stop, put down what I am doing, and really listen?

They are worth it! Children are a blessing from God.

Before the day is over.. go look into their eyes and ask, how can I be a better mom? Listen carefully to what is said and what is not said. Then be willing to adjust. Being intentional will never be easy, but it will always be worth it!

Be an Intentional Mother! Your children need YOU!

(I have a habit of fact checking resources just to make sure something is legit. This article was… but had been circulating around by the name of a different author.) To view the complete article… click below.

The silent tragedy affecting today’s children — Victoria Prooday.html