Organizing Life

A place for everything and everything has a place.

Life is crazy.


If my personal life, space and schedule do not have a system, things fall apart. Fast!

When there is order I can be flexible especially when things don’t go the way I planned. I have tried almost every organization tool. Some work. Others well???

So what works? Honestly, it depends. Everyone is different and every season is different. Start with ONE area. YOUR CALENDAR.  Pencil in any scheduled activities. Plans your meals for the week. Write a few goals that can be achieved in the next few days. Schedule that doctor or dentist appointment. Attack one thing at a time. 

You gain momentum! Things start getting done. Excitement follows. 

How do you eat an elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME.

Tackle one thing at a time. Then soon things will get done and you will achieve success, which may be a clean house, heathy meals or to do list-done. 

Pick one thing! Ready, set, go!