Did COVID-19 Hijack Your 2020 Goals?
Did you start the year off with BIG dreams?
However, somewhere between January and well…today you lost your way.
Truth- I did. And I am a BIG goal setting girl. A Goal Junkie!
2020 sounded like such an iconic year, anything was possible. Dreams that had been stirring for years floated to the surface, ready to ride the wave. It was meant to be an unstoppable year. Or so I thought.
Then wham…COVID-19, social unrest, closed churches, businesses, and schools. I was wearing a mask following carefully placed arrows while I collected my “essentials”.
WHAT IN THE WORLD? How did we get here?
We can’t control what is happening around us but we can take back our dreams and goals. Are you ready to resurrect your plans? Where to start?
Dust off the last list of goals, dreams or “to do’s”. Evaluate what still rings true. What deserves attention? What ideas are still beating in your heart? Start there. Small steps are forward movement. Take action toward one dream. If you really need a boost pick an easy, doable one.
FACT- We still have THREE months left in 2020.
Lots can happen between now and 2021. Make the most of these days. Rise to the challenge. Get an accountability partner. Write down the plan. Create action steps to make it happen.
If you really don’t know where to start, begin tonight by simply writing out a list of what needs to get done tomorrow. Get up early, read your bible and journal. Make your bed. Sit in silence for 5 minutes. Find a good book or podcast to listen to while you get ready. Look for ways to enhance your life and productivity
Dream! Get Intentional!! Take back control!
You can still be unstoppable. Just move. Plan your course of action. Believe God will direct your steps.